At Healthpointe, we are well equipped to perform top-of-the-line medical examinations, and we can complete your QME from start to finish. We’re your one-stop-shop for any matter of orthopedic treatment, and when you choose to work with us, we guarantee that our best and brightest physicians will deal with your claim with the highest standard of quality. We have decades of experience in qualified medical examinations. Our Qualified Medical Examiners are certified by the Division of Workers’ Compensation Medical Unit to accurately evaluate work injury claims, as well as complete medical-legal reports.
A QME is usually a long, detailed examination. They differ from regular appointments in how thorough they are – typical exams do not require as extensive a review of the patient’s prior injuries or illnesses. As such, you can trust that our QME providers will treat each case and exam with the attention it deserves, by conducting an in-depth review of the patient’s medical history, as well as a detailed assessment of the patient’s current injuries. Our QME doctors specialize in orthopedic injury, medicine, psychology, and many other fields, so you can trust that we will give each case our full attention and provide a resolution to any treatment disputes.
Prior to the exam, our QME doctors will carefully review any medical records pertaining to the reported injuries, as well as any prior medical illnesses or injuries. It is required that these doctors write a comprehensive medical-legal report that adheres to the AMA’s standards. These med-legal reports go through several rounds of review and edits before being presented to the appropriate parties, ensuring the best value and worth of the report. When you arrange a QME with Healthpointe, you can guarantee that we will have given our all in the exam and in reporting the findings.
The most important thing to consider after an employee injury is how soon the employee can get back to work, thus minimizing costs for the employer and strain on the employee. We are proud to provide all the right medical providers needed to ensure that employees can get back to work quickly and efficiently. With Healthpointe involved in the QME process, employers can rest assured that we will manage the claim from beginning to end, with satisfaction assured.
Healthpointe is the finest option to choose from in regards to QMEs, as we have vast resources at our fingertips! Our physicians and staff have great depth of understanding workers’ compensation laws, guidelines, and treatment plans for all work-related injuries. We also offer open-lines of communication, with constant feedback between our physicians, clinics, employers, and claims examiners.
To make arrangements with our Qualified Medical Examiners, call (800) 956-2663